Preventing prostatitis in men at home: effective methods and doctor's advice

Inflamed prostate and prostatitis prevention

In the modern world, men are prone to various diseases. Practice shows that sexually strong people should not seek professional medical help immediately at the first signs of illness. In fact, it sucks because the consequences are tragic.

Prostatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate. This pathology can be caused by infection, blood stagnation in small pelvic veins, immune disorders, and other causes.

Prevention of prostatitis in men at home, usually to get rid of negative factors. To prevent the disease from developing, it is worth paying special attention to your diet and lifestyle.

cause of disease

Bacteria are the cause of prostatitis

Let's discuss them in more detail. Before discussing topics such as prostatitis prevention and treatment, we should talk about the causes of this pathology. What can act as a driving force for disease development?

Prostatitis usually occurs in the following contexts:

  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • long-term abstinence;
  • malnutrition;
  • Bad habits (drinking, smoking);
  • Chronic diseases of the excretory system;
  • changing sexual partners regularly;
  • Urinary tract infection;
  • STDs;
  • delayed ejaculation during intercourse;
  • Excessive intake of salty fats and spicy foods;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • Hemorrhoids, frequent constipation.

The sooner a representative of the dominant sex starts taking steps aimed at reducing the risk of prostatitis, the more likely he is to stay healthy.

type of prevention

So what are they? All types of prevention can be conditionally divided into primary and secondary. The goal of primary prevention is to prevent the development of disease. Every man over 30 should think about it. Secondary prevention has focused on those familiar with conditions such as prostatitis. It is designed to prevent recurrence of the disease and prevent it from turning into a chronic form.

Effective prostatitis prevention combines a wide range of measures to prevent disease progression, as well as improve the patient's quality of life.

What measures to take?

Doctor's appointment for prostatitis

What are the preventive measures for male prostatitis at home? Pay special attention to your own health. This is especially true for those who spend very little time on the move and whose jobs involve prolonged exposure to cold environments. If you take some steps, you can keep your body safe from unpleasant diseases like prostatitis. Prevention will save significant financial resources that could be used to treat neglected diseases.

There are some fairly simple suggestions, and implementing them will help avoid the development of prostatitis:

  1. Men of any age should lead an active lifestyle. You should go to the gym several times a week. If the work is mostly sedentary, it is recommended to take a break and go out for a walk. This will avoid blood stagnation in the pelvic area.
  2. Sex is very important to men's health. The nature and frequency of sexual activity has a direct impact on the condition of the prostate. But it's worth remembering that regular sex can be a source of infection and STDs. Sexual perversion and deliberately delayed ejaculation can adversely affect prostate health. The ideal is to have regular sex with a regular partner.
  3. The diet should include healthy foods. It should include low-fat meat and fish, dairy products, grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, preserves, honey. It is best to stop eating greasy and smoked foods, alcoholic beverages, mushrooms, pastries, garlic and onions.
  4. Try to avoid hypothermia. The best way to prevent prostatitis is to maintain the body's defense system. Therefore, you should dress according to the weather.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the prostate can trigger factors such as stress, overwork, and past illnesses. It is very important to provide your body with proper rest.
  6. Contrast showers are an excellent way to prevent prostatitis in men at home. The procedure helps to normalize blood circulation and boost immunity.
  7. Consult your urologist regularly. Tests should be performed even if no signs of disease are observed. If you already have conditions such as prostatitis, you should have checkups every three months for the first year after treatment. Men over the age of 40 are advised to undergo an additional ultrasound.

Prompt treatment and prevention of prostatitis can help maintain men's strength for many years. However, when choosing a method, the cause of the disease should be considered. After all, prostate inflammation can lead to a variety of factors. In one case, it could be a sedentary lifestyle, in another, a bad habit.

Physical Exercise

Exercise to prevent prostatitis

A lifestyle of little exercise can lead to congestion of the pelvic organs. What prostatitis precautions are used in this situation? An active lifestyle will help prevent the development of the disease. On top of that, badminton and tennis lessons, gymnastics aimed at activating blood circulation to the pelvic organs, morning jogging and walking help.

Are there specific exercises for prostate health? An approximate set of exercises consists of the following movements:

  1. Tighten the muscles of the perineum and try to pull the rectum into the body. This exercise should be repeated at least five times in a row. The "clamped" position should be held for 3 seconds.
  2. Sequentially tighten and relax a set of intimate muscles. The pace can be gradually accelerated or slowed down.
  3. During the day, tense your perineal muscles as if you were trying to stop urinating. Recommended during the day (4 out of 200 approaches).
  4. Exercise tension and relaxation with anal engagement.
  5. In the standing position, alternate tension and relaxation of all muscle groups.
  6. From shoulder-width apart, perform a slow squat, extending your knees in different directions. This exercise should be repeated 10 times.
  7. Walk in place with your knees elevated.
  8. Lie on the floor and do a "bicycle" exercise until your hips and calves feel pleasant fatigue.

You can start with simple squats. First, it is recommended to limit yourself to 5-10 squats. The number of exercises should be gradually increased. A very effective exercise is also "walking on the hips". This action should be done every day for 5 minutes.


What is its effect? Prevention and treatment of prostatitis at home necessarily includes procedures such as massage. During exacerbations, it is contraindicated. Preventive massage is performed to improve the outflow of prostate contents accumulated during the chronic phase of the disease.

Finger massage is a good way to prevent chronic prostatitis. It helps to improve blood circulation and reduce venous blood stasis. After massage, arterial blood flows to the glandular tissue. This helps remove the secret of stagnation. Massages are usually given in 8-10 sessions.


Medications to prevent prostatitis

Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, and massage can help reduce the likelihood of prostate inflammation. Prevention of prostatitis can occur even if all recommendations are followed. Therefore, to reduce the risk, experts recommend taking preparations containing bovine prostate extract and herbal ingredients. These ingredients stimulate the work of the body's prostate, and reduce congestion and increase the production of secretions.

Medications help fight the congestion process of the pelvic organs and relieve swelling and inflammation. Vitamins are often prescribed in the prevention and treatment of prostate disease. They help improve overall health and reduce the risk of cancer.

folk remedies

Folk remedies to prevent prostatitis

Can Prostatitis Be Prevented With Folk Remedies? We'll consider the most effective recipes in more detail:

  1. Two teaspoons of Ivan tea should be poured into half a liter of hot water. Infuse the solution for 5 minutes. After that, the mixture is filtered and taken twice a day: in the morning before meals and in the evening half an hour before dinner.
  2. The green husks of the chestnuts are infused in a decoction to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Crush the peel and pour it with boiling water. 2 tablespoons you need half a liter of water. The composition was soaked overnight. Drink one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Store the product in a cold place.
  3. Pumpkin seeds are one of the most effective means of preventing prostatitis. It is enough to eat 25-30 seeds half an hour before meals.
  4. Without the use of propolis and honey, it is impossible for folks to prevent prostatitis. They should simply be eaten with food.
  5. Walnuts and sunflower seeds go through a meat grinder. In the morning, you should eat a tablespoon of the resulting mud and a grated onion.

Prostatitis prevention with folk remedies also includes visits to procedures such as steam baths and hot legs. Even in the acute phase of prostate inflammation, many recipes can provide relief for patients. However, it is best to consult a qualified specialist before using them. Self-medication can lead to the development of serious complications.

Prostatitis water drinking program

Prevention and treatment of prostatitis necessarily includes personal hygiene. However, the water program should be chosen carefully. It is strictly forbidden to go to the steam room or take a bath during the exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. After treatment, it is best to discuss staying in the sauna with your urologist. Usually, doctors do not prohibit such procedures. Warm bath air helps increase blood flow. As a result, blood and lymph fluids in the body begin to circulate actively. The swap process is accelerating. In some cases, doctors even recommend bathing in conjunction with physical therapy procedures.

Many people mistakenly believe that bathing in ice water helps to stiffen the body. This is not true. Cold water causes body temperature to drop. As a result, pathogens are activated and begin to multiply actively, which leads to decreased immunity. Bathing in icy water certainly does not bring health benefits. But such a procedure is likely to cause acute inflammation of the prostate. Therefore, it should never be performed by men with prostatitis. If hypothermia still cannot be avoided, a warm bath or shower is recommended.


Useful products to prevent prostatitis

This aspect deserves special attention. Prevention of prostatitis in men at home must include a special diet. A man's diet should include seafood, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, grains, bran bread, peas, beans, legumes, nuts, and eggs. There is also a need to monitor salt levels in ready-to-eat foods. Its high content helps retain fluid in the body. As a result, urine output is significantly reduced. Therefore, eating salted fish and canned food is not recommended.

Foods high in cholesterol can also be bad for your health. It leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Fried fatty meats, smoked and cooked sausages, animal fats, cakes, biscuits, muffins should be excluded from the diet. Foods should contain plenty of plant fiber. Constipation can be very uncomfortable. The accumulated stool begins to press on the prostate, causing inflammation. The diet must contain fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, kefir, plums. These products help normalize bowel function.

Prevention of prostatitis in men at home necessarily involves the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. Food should also be rich in nutrients. Apples, dill and liver are rich in iron. Seafood, beans and nuts are rich sources of zinc. Eggs, corn, and cabbage contain selenium, while buckwheat, nuts, bran, spinach, and cocoa contain magnesium. To stay healthy, men must know the basic rules of a balanced diet.

in conclusion

Doctor and prostatitis patient

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Men who have ever encountered such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis will attest that it greatly destroys self-confidence and creates a feeling of inferiority. Avoiding prostatitis isn't easy, but it's possible. For this, you must stick to a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition and exercise play an important role. Additionally, men should maintain regular sexual relationships with regular partners. It is recommended to quit smoking and drinking.

Hypothermia and viral illnesses can lead to illness, so special attention should be paid to measures aimed at boosting immunity. Prostatitis can be prevented through folk remedies. Among the most effective are pumpkin seeds and ivan tea. You should not delay seeing your doctor when the first signs of prostatitis appear. Treating the disease is much easier in the early stages.